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About Sheila Fay Navidzadeh, M.S, M.A., CTRP

Sheila is a licensed therapist, life coach, and mental health advocate based in California and Michigan, providing virtual sessions. Sheila is committed to helping individuals achieve emotional and psychological well-being. As a therapist, Sheila understands the importance of emotional and psychological well-being and how it impacts an individual's quality of life. Experiencing emotional or psychological distress can affect every aspect of their life, including their relationships, work, and daily activities.

Sheila has always had a passion for personal growth and self-care. This passion has led to diverse interests, including yoga, sound healing meditations, scuba diving, and flying single-engine aircraft. With a love for adventure, she has traveled to 48 countries, including some of her favorite destinations, such as Turkey, Bali, and Spain. 

In addition to her love for adventure, she is also committed to living a healthy lifestyle. As a pescatarian, she recognizes the importance of maintaining a balanced diet to support optimal physical and mental health. As a mental-health practitioner interested in plant medicine, Sheila is drawn to the therapeutic potential of natural remedies derived from various plants. She has taken the time to research and study the effects of different plant medicines, both traditional and modern, and understand how they can be used to support mental and emotional healing.

Associations: ACA, AMHCA

Passion and Experience

Sheila's passion for mental health extends beyond her personal interests and into her professional practice. As a therapist, she utilizes a variety of therapeutic approaches, including person-centered, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Humanistic, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and Holistic therapy. Focusing on personalized treatment plans, she creates a safe and supportive environment for her clients to explore their emotions and thoughts. Sheila also incorporates other holistic modalities, including plant medicine, to help their clients achieve greater well-being.

Sheila's advocacy work centers around supporting vulnerable populations, including the unsheltered and LGBTQ+ youth. She is also a proponent of mindfulness practices, such as sound baths, sensory exercises, intentional breathing, meditation, visualization, yoga, and journaling. Through these practices, she aims to help her clients develop self-awareness, self-compassion, and a greater connection to themselves and others.

When she's not in the office, Sheila enjoys spending time with her family and friends, exploring new restaurants, attending live music events, and embarking on trips to national parks and other new cities around the world. Her love for adventure, passion for mental health advocacy, and commitment to personal growth make her a valued member of the therapy community.

Are you ready to take the first step?

My Values


I prioritize confidentiality to provide a safe and trusting space for your therapy journey. Rest assured that all information shared during sessions is strictly confidential, fostering an environment where you can explore and grow without judgment. Your privacy is my utmost concern, allowing you to openly express yourself and experience personal healing.


I value the profound impact of creativity in therapy. By incorporating expressive arts and creative modalities, I encourage self-discovery, emotional expression, and personal growth. We may utilize creative approaches to help you explore and navigate your unique path towards healing and well-being.


Compassion lies at the heart of our therapeutic approach. I understand that every individual's journey is unique, and  provide a compassionate and non-judgmental space where you can share your experiences and emotions openly. I am committed to supporting you with empathy, understanding, and kindness as you navigate the path towards healing and personal growth.


I recognize acceptance as a core value in our therapeutic practice. I am dedicated to fostering an atmosphere of acceptance, where you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences without fear, allowing for authentic healing and personal transformation.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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